A couple years ago when I was ten, my mom had me in bed by 9:00-9:30, but it all depends on how mature they are, how much sleep they need, and how theyll behave with a lot of sleep and without a lot of sleep
About 85-115 Is an average weight for a 10 year old.
I think that a normal bed time for an 11 year old is 9:30 or 10:00
nine (9) stone
The best time to go to bed for a thirty year old male is at 9- 9:30 Pm
You should be minimum 80 to maximim 114
a good size quad for an avrage sized 12 year old not a fat one is a 125cc for kids
for a 11 year old girl about 4foot9 i am 11 and i am 5foot1and a half do not worry i am tall for my age