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The Upper Deck of a boat or ship is either the highest of two decks of a boat or the part of the deck that's the highest part covering the hull. The deck of the boat is the part covering the hull or body.

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Q: What is an upper deck on a ship?
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you cant.

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A forecastle is the raised part of the upper deck of the front of a ship.

What is an aftcastle?

An aftcastle is the raised part of the upper deck at the stern of a ship.

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What usually can be found on the upperdeck of a cargo ship?

On the upper deck of a cargo ship there will usually be the navigation equipment and access to essential safety equipment such as lifeboats. These are actually slung from the side but accessible from the upper deck.

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The answer is deck house.

What part of the ship starts with the letter Q?

Quarterdeck is part of the ship's upper deck. It begins with the letter Q.

What is an aftercastle?

An aftercastle is another name for an aftcastle, the raised part of the upper deck at the stern of a ship.

Where on a boat are Gunwales?

The gunwales ("gunnels") are the upper side walls of a ship or boat, or the top rail on a canoe, or a raised walking deck (side deck) on some types of boats. They are named for the strengthened part of a ship where cannons were mounted.

Where are the gunwales on a boat?

The gunwales ("gunnels") are the upper side walls of a ship or boat, or the top rail on a canoe, or a raised walking deck (side deck) on some types of boats. They are named for the strengthened part of a ship where cannons were mounted.

What is Raised deck at the back of the ship?

A raised deck at the back of the ship. Is a poop deck

The open deck area of a ship?

The open deck of a ship is called the weather deck.