The designation 40 is a secondary line of retail store model bats sold by Hillerich & Bradsby. In general a Lou Gehrig store model bat could be worth between $200. -$400. Besides condition there are many factors that will effect the price more or less. Baseball bats closest to the players size and model number that was used during his playing days will sell at a higher price. Decal bats are very desirable and could sell in the $1,000.'s
The dating of the bat is one of the most important factors on value along with condition. Hillerich & Bradsby Co. Louisville Slugger has used different oval center brands in their history. By identifying the center label, trade marks, and patens you can narrow down the year to what era the bat was made.
Lou Gehrig was the model of consistency.
No. Lou Gehrig was of German descent.
No. Lou Gehrig was white.
lou gehrig
Yes. Lou Gehrig's mother was a maid.
He had a disease named after him known as: (Lou Gehrig's Disease)
Lou Gehrig was born on June 19, 1903.
ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease
Lou Gehrig and Stephen Hawkings.
Lou Gehrig was known as "The Iron Horse" and "Larrupin Lou" during his career.
Lou Gehrig and his wife, Eleanor, had no children.
Lou Gerhing is dead. Lou Gehrig is not gay