That is Scott Number 1382. It has a minimal value and can be purchased for about 20 cents.
A 5-cent 1946 Roosevelt stamp is worth about $1, but it depends on the postmark and the design on the stamp. Some postmarks of this stamp could be worth $11 or more.
How much is a 1947 Thomas Edison 3 cent stamp worth?
How much is 15 cent martin Luther king stamp worth
every stamp is worth it
5 cent
The H stamp is worth 33 cents. Yes, you can add a 1 cent stamp to cover 34 cents worth of postage.
What is the value of a boston tea party bicentennial 8 cent stamp worth
I have a 3 cent win the war stamp and i was wondering how much it is worth it is purple with a eagle and stars
Stamps are always and forever worth the denomination printed on the stamp. If you need a one-cent stamp to complete postage, and you have a one-cent stamp from 1933 - it is perfectly legal. As to what individual stamps are worth to stamp collectors - that is a completely different question.
They are probably worth 9 cents.
2 cent.
3 cents