Derek Jeter Fleer trading cards vary in prices from .01 cents to $40.00.
People like Derek Jeter not because of his hitting, but because of fielding and his "ability" to win. And his desire to work hard and be the best.
Derek Jeter has a career .310 hitting average in world series play through october 1, 2009
Derek Jeter got his 3,000th hit on July 9, 2011. He became the second player in history to reach this milestone by hitting a home run.
Derek Jeter's birth name is Derek Sanderson Jeter.
Derek Jeter
Derek Jeter
No, Derek Jeter does not have a baby.
No. Derek Jeter doesn't have any brothers.
Click on the 'Derek Jeter Articles' link on this page to find out more information about Derek Jeter.
Derek Jeter trading card will surely appear on many more baseball cards atop his 14,343 already available that sell for more than $366,000 excluding rarities.It is not sure if they will go up after he retires.
Derek Jeter is nither married nor engaged.
Yes, Derek Jeter is alive and well.