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Clubhouse Signature - A signature that is not signed by the intended athlete. Most clubhouse signatures were done by bat boys, equipment managers, and other available clubhouse workers when the athlete was not available for the signing. It was, and still is common for a star player to have a clubhouse employee sign his name.

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Q: What does clubhouse mean on a baseball?
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$25.00 he's an awesome leader in the clubhouse.

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What does miska mean?

"miska mouska" is a phrase from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, a Children's_television_seriesby Disney. The show features a a Mickey_Mouse_Clubchant ("Meeska Mooska Mickey Mouse!"), used to summon the Clubhouse.

What is the salary of a major league baseball clubhouse manager?

The clubhouse managers charge dues to the players. Which vary from team to team and level to level. It's normally up to the clubhouse manager to determine what to charge but sometimes the big league team will have a say in it, as well as the manager.

When will the Clubhouse be open on Webkinz?

The Clubhouse in Webkinz is website clubhouse for children. The clubhouse in Webkinz has been open for over six years and is available free of charge. A log in and password must be created in order to access the clubhouse.

Where is the clubhouse located?

the clubhouse (the daycare) is located in, Lawton, Oklahoma

When was Clubhouse - album - created?

Clubhouse - album - was created in 1979.

When did Clubhouse Games happen?

Clubhouse Games happened in 2005.

What are some examples of balanced forces and unbalanced forces in baseball?

The forces on the baseball are balanced when it's on the ground or on the shelf in the clubhouse, and unbalanced at all other times.

How do you buy items for your clubhouse in ourworld?

Click 'shop' in your clubhouse -MeganHatesMatt

What is the name of the episode of the Brady bunch where a clubhouse appears?

A clubhouse is not a home.