AVR is usually termed as AVG which stands for the players batting average. HR is the amount of home runs. RBI represents runs batted in. OBP shows a players on base percentage
Runs batted in and on base percentage.
OBP stands for On Base Percentage
OBP stands for On Base Percentage
On-Base Plus Slugging. So it is a combination of a players On-Base Percentage (OBP) and their Slugging Percentage (SLG). For example, if a player has a .448 OBP and a .613 SLG they would have an OPS of 1.061.
It is a combination of 3 different stats. They are OBP/SLG/OPS, which mean On Base Percentage (OBP) Slugging Percentage (SLG) OBP Plus SLG (OPS) Here is the formula for each one. On Base Percentage (OBP) is used to determine how often a batter reaches base safely divided by his number of plate appearances. [Hits (H) + Walks (BB) + Hit By Pitch (HBP)] / [At Bats (AB) + Walks (BB) + Hit By Pitch (HBP) + Sacrifice Flies (SF)] Slugging Percentage (SLG) is used to determine how much power a batter has Total Bases (TB) / At Bats (AB) On Base Percentage Plus Slugging Percentage (OPS) is exactly that: OBP + SLG This statistic is used to determine how well-rounded a batter is.
On Base Percentage
If you're talking about other offensive baseball stats, I would include At-Bats (AB), Hits (H), Walks (BB), On Base Percentage (OBP), and Slugging Percentage (SLG).
There is no OAB, but there is a OBA that means On Base Average, that shows the percentage of a player getting on base. For the most part, it is called OBP (On Base Percentage.) . The movie Moneyball showed an analysis about OBA or OBP to rate a hitter's value, while using sabermetrics as well.
.297 avg 10 hr 55 rbi .350 obp
In baseball, it is the person who keeps the game statistics, such as at bats, hits, runs, errors, OBP, OPS, etc.
Add up your hits, walks, and hit by pitches and divide by the number you get when adding up your at bats, walks, hit by pitches, and sacrifice flies. As an example, we'll use Albert Pujols 2011 stats ... Hits - 173 Walks - 61 Hit by Pitches - 4 At Bats - 579 Sacrifice Flies - 7 The OBP would be calculated as ... (173 + 61 + 4) divided by (579 + 61 + 4 + 7) which equals ... 238 divided by 651 which equals .03655 which would round to .0366. Albert's OBP for the 2011 season was .0366.
OBA stands for "On Base Average." You also may see it referred to as OBP: "On Base Percentage."