Price will vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. Photo composition, and appeal will effect the price as well. Part of the value will be determined by how well the photo displays the signature, the type of ink used, and how it stands out in contrast to the photograph. Larger photos will sell for more.
The signature should be bold, strong, and stand out in contrast to the photo. A weak, and faded signature will sell for less. Most Autographs in Ruth's day were signed with a fountain pen. A signature with the quotation marks around "Babe" typifies his pre-1928 autograph and will sell at a higher value.
Babe Ruth's signature is one of the most prized signatures in the hobby. Photos were not as readily available in the Babes day as they are today. Babe Ruth signed a lot of baseballs. Signed photos of the Babe are far more rare, and at times could compete in value of a signed Baseball at $6,000. -$10,000.
In a few recent auctions a signed 3 x 5 photo sold for $5,377.50. a large 17 x 21 fountain pen signed photo with inscription sold for $23,900. The average photo sold for about $3,000. - $4,000.
200,000 dollars at most
value a print of Ducks Unlimited "60th Anniversary Edition by Terry Redlin
This is the Diamond 60th edition. It would be worth between $40-$50 in good condition
yes its is it worth 500 shekels
The Diamond Anniversary 60th new in box is worth $85
The Diamond Anniversary 60th new in box is worth $85
$ 35.00 to 4 65.00
60th = sixtieth
The best 60th birthday gift you could get your mum would be something that has memories to it, like old pictures, they also love simple things like ornaments and cutlery.
60th = sixtieth
The 60th digit is 4.