Many people keep them and put them in scrapbooks, while others just throw them away. If it has a lot of sentimental value, I would keep it and if you have a lot of pictures from the game, make a scrapbook. If it doesn't have sentimental value, just throw it away.
Several websites sell photo albums for displaying ticket stubs such as Uncommon Goods, Amazon and That's My Ticket. You could also display the ticket stubs arranged in a large photo frame, or laid on an old table and then coated as a display piece.
There are a few good ways to display or preserve your ticket stubs. One way, would be to use a three ring binder with card slots inside it. Another way, is placing the stubbs into a picture frame to display them. A cool idea is to place the stubs on a tabletop, then placing a glass table cover over them.
The place in which someone would be able to buy and purchase any famous ticket stubs would be most likely on online auction sites like Ebay or other popular sites.
The train ticket stubs in "Catcher in the Rye" symbolize Holden's desire to escape from reality and avoid adult responsibilities. They represent his longing for freedom and his fear of growing up. The train ticket stubs also serve as a recurring motif throughout the novel, reflecting Holden's restless and unsettled nature as he tries to find his place in the world.
I will buy it for $60. giff@comcast.cet
Many of the ticket stubs are worth a price close to $15 each. The exact value will depend upon the condition that it is in.
I'd say yes. The question would be finding someone who values them. Don't expect too much unless it was the ticket stub to a playoff game or an important game in Jordan's career such as his last game before retiring.
Both the 2000 New York Yankees, and Mets World Series Ticket Stubs are worth about $15.-$20. and a full ticket in excellent-near/mint condition about $20.-$30.Condition is important. The slightest flaws could bring the price down significantly. Common flaws include; rips, creases, stains, and fading. Ticket stubs that are not ripped cleanly will also sell for less.
1972 Oakland A's World Series ticket game 3A 1972 Oakland A's World Series full ticket game 3 played at Oak-Alameda County Coliseum is worth about $85.-$150. and a ticket stub about $45. - $75. Condition is important. The slightest flaws could bring the price down significantly. Common flaws include; rips, creases, stains, and fading. Ticket stubs that are not ripped cleanly will also sell for less.
Tickets stubs for all teams from this era (1970-1979) in general are worth about $5.-$10. Condition is important. Rips, crease, stains and fading could bring the price down significantly. With ticket stubs if the stub was not torn cleanly it will effect the price as will if the stub was stapled to a program (holes) which was a common practice. Ticket stubs from baseball games that feature special events or player milestones are highly sought after by collectors, and will sell at a premium. Special events such as opening day, inaugural games, last game at a Stadium, play-offs, World Series, etc. Player milestones can include 500 home runs, 300 win, or any record breaking event.
1943 World Series Ticket StubsA 1943 New York Yankees World Series Full ticket played at Yankee Stadium is worth about $200. -$225. and a ticket stub about $125.-$175.A 1943 St. Louis Cardinals World Series Full ticket played at Sportsman's Park is worth about $200. -$225 A ticket stub sells for about $125.-$175.Condition is important. The slightest flaws could bring the price down significantly. Common flaws include; rips, creases, stains, and fading. Ticket stubs that are not ripped cleanly will also sell for less.
It means temporary. Things like ticket stubs, magazines, anything printed on paper designed to be thrown away are ephemera.