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yardage markers

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Q: What are the white lines on a football field?
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Related questions

What is the width of the white line on a football field?

The infield lines are about three inches wide. The wider lines surrounding the field and end zones are a yard wide.

What are the lines at each side of a football field called?

what are the lines calledat each side of a football field called

How does a football field create straight lines?


Every how many yards or feet are there between the white lines on the football field?

Each yardline marks 5 yards, or 15 feet.

What colour are the lines on a football pitch?


Was there ever white lines on an nfl football?

yes look in a book

WHAT are the names og the long and short lines of a football field?

linger ans singer

How many lines of symmetry does a football field have?

Ignoring the asymmetric drawings painted on the field (in the end zones, etc) depicting the teams playing, it has 2 lines of symmetry.

Who on the football field are nicknames the zebras?

The referee at a football game wears black and white stripes to stand out.

What is the composition of a football field and where is the end zone?

* *A typical football field is composed of either grass or turf and is marked off by white chalk every 10 yards.

Is football known as a gridiron sport because of its field?

Kind of. If you were to look at an American football field from above, the way the chalk lines are laid out for the yard lines and end zones would make it look something like a gridiron.

What is composition of a typical football field and where is the end zone?

* *A typical football field is composed of either grass or turf and is marked off by white chalk every 10 yards.