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In 1939 the scorecards for the Yankees would have read "American league Baseball Club of new York" The 1939 Yankees scorecard has a large advertisement for Regal Shoes on the cover along with a Muriel cigar ad. Published by HARRY M. STEVENS, Inc. the 1939 programs featured a 1839-1939 Baseball centennial logo.

The "Brooklyn National League baseball Club" would be of the Brooklyn Dodgers. As great as thes old programs are they only sell in the $40.-$60. price range. The paper used for these scorecards are of very low quality, tend to turn brown, and become brittle with age if not properly taken care of.

As with all collectibles, condition is the most important factor of all providing that the item is authentic. With programs/scorecards the slightest flaws will bring the price down significantly. An exceptional mint condition scorecard could sell for more.

Common flaws would be staining, foxing (yellowing), fading, creases, rips, loose pages, cracked binding, and writing on the cover. Un-scored programs will generally sell at a higher price than a scored program but sometimes it doesn't effect value. The over all condition, and how well the cover displays will.

The value on a "scored" program as opposed to a un-scored program can vary depending on the game, and collectors preference. In general I would say an un-scored program will sell at a higher price. Some collectors do not mind scored programs, or might prefer it scored. A game in note that might sell at a higher price "scored" would be Don Larsens perfect game in the World Series.

Below I will leave a link below for more information on scorecards, and publications.

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Q: What are the values of a 1939 American League score card and a 1939 Brooklyn National League score card?
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