Being "at odds" with someone means disagreeing or quarrelling with that person. "At odds" indicates some kind of variance or conflict. One can even be "at odds" with oneself, struggling over an internal conflict.
The odds of finding out are slim and none.
Well, the odds of finding the perfect partner are twice as good!
100 % rofl just look at them
You can get a CDL, but the odds of finding employment are very slim.
You have to mix and meet people. The more you meet the better the odds of finding someone.
one four leaf clover among 10.000 of shamrocks.
It depends on the pokemon. The chances of finding it in the wild are 1/8192 (.001220703125%)
Not very difficult at all especially if you played the game recently on the same server.Over a few days the odds add up.
four leaf clover is one in 10.000, so X 9 = 90.000, but according to research, four leaf clover can often be found around one another, so it's probably much less than that. In addition, once you start to look for it, your eyes would start to see patterns, so it gets easier as you go.
quite low unless you go further and deeper into the ocean where there is more pressure.