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Q: What are abdominocrural creases?
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Where is the bilateral abdominocrural creases located?

The bilateral abdominocrural creases are located where the abdomen meets the thighs. They are the natural creases or folds that occur at this junction due to the different skin tension and movement in these areas.

Where do inguinal hernias occur in the abdominocrural crease?

Hernias above the abdominocrural crease are inguinal (latin, groin) and those arising below the crease are femoral (Latin, thigh) or crural (Latin, leg). -Schwartz

Creases help skin to do what?

creases help skin to touch something without it hurting.

How do you get creases out of a tie?

Iron the tie beneath a damp towel, this will remove the creases

What is creases and ridge flexion?

Creases and ridge flexion could also be described as folding and bending.

Are criss-cross neck creases inherited?

No, criss-cross neck creases are not inherited. Neck wrinkles are caused by aging.

Which element takes creases out of clothes?

Ironing is the most common method used to take creases out of clothes. The heat from the iron helps to smooth out the fabric, removing wrinkles and creases. Additionally, using a steamer can also be effective in removing creases from clothes without the need for an iron.

What are military creases?

This refers to the creases on the uniform shirt. On the front creases starting at the shoulder and going down to the shirt tail at the pocket button. In the back there is a crease running from shoulder to shoulder and three creases equal distant apart going down the back of the shirt. Take a dress shirt to almost any dry cleaners and ask for military creases on it, and they will know what you want.

What are the creases in seashells called?

The creases in seashells are called sutures. These are the lines where different parts of the shell have fused together during growth.

What did Hitler promise the Nazis?

Batty Creases

What are irons advantages?

They take creases out of your clothes.

Do creases in your earlobes mean you have heart disease?
