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For younger girls there are HSM and Hannah Montana sets More info at

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Q: Is there trading cards like Match Attex for girls?
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Related questions

What is the trading spaces boys vs girls?

Trading spaces boys vs. girls is a TV show on discovery kids where a team of 2 girls and 2 boys do each others rooms.

Popular things to sell?

Webkinz, BellaSara trading cards, Petz or Petz 2 gameboy games, Be-bratz, Barbie birthstone, and some other things. These are just a few. (These are all girl stuff. They are for girls.)

What are the release dates for Trading Spaces Boys vs- Girls - 2003?

Trading Spaces Boys vs- Girls - 2003 was released on: USA: 17 May 2003

What the number 4 trading spaces boys vs girls?

2 boys and 2 girls

Is it illegal for girls and boys to play a compettive football match together?

No. And who says "match"?

How can you get on trading spaces boys vs girls?

Well you have to call them.

Who support the match girls?

The London match girls' strike of 1888 was supported by several socialist leaders. One person who supported them and helped was Annie Besant. Besant published an article about the girls in her weekly paper.

Who supported the match girls strike?

The London match girls' strike of 1888 was supported by several socialist leaders. One person who supported them and helped was Annie Besant. Besant published an article about the girls in her weekly paper.

How do you enter trading spaces boys versus girls?

call dain

How do you be on the show?

I want to be a meber of trading spaces boys vs girls

Can you be in Arizona for trading spaces boys vs girls?

you can be anywhere in the U.S

What is Trading Spaces Boys Vs Girls Email Address?

I'm sorry. I don't know. The last answer said trading spaces boys vs. girls stopped in 2005, but it is still on Discovery Kids(this is 2010)