Darryl Strawberry was born March 12, 1962, in Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Darryl Strawberry's birth name is Darryl Eugene Strawberry.
Darryl Strawberry
value of Darryl Strawberry baseball card by POST, 1st collector series, 10 of 30, 1990
Her father is black and mother is white.
Darryl Strawberry is 6 feet 6 inches tall. He weighs 190 pounds. He bats left and throws left.
Darryl Strawberry was born on March 12, 1962.
Darryl Strawberry was born on March 12, 1962.
Darryl strawberry have 4 rings
Darryl Strawberry wore number 18 with the Mets.
is it worth any thing
No, because he got 1.1% of the votes in 2005