A person who offers advice without being asked is someone who cares enough for you to offer that advice and you have the chance to think it over and take it or leave it.
If they are actively engaged in carrying out their duty, no. Unless they are engaged in carrying out some official duty, yes, you can ask that they leave.
They leave your hands free when carrying, and carrying a backpack is safer/healthier than carrying a shoulder bag if there's any weight to it.
Yes You Actually Can!! Because You Are Becoming An Adult By Carrying A Child In Your Stomach. So Yes You Can!(:
Creon make the edict to leave the bodies of the traitors unburied without asking the advice of the Chorus of Elders. He expects them to rubber stamp his executive orders. He only heeds their advice after it is too late to reverse his actions.
da whoopie
It certainly depends on the local laws in your area - it is best for you to seek legal advice. Good Luck .
i have no idea..... but its probably a no .. take my advice.
Taking leave without permission is commonly referred to as "unauthorized absence" or "absent without leave (AWOL)." It is a violation of workplace or military policies and can result in disciplinary action.
they cause individuals to dieoff or leave
AOL Absent WithOut Leave unauthorized leave