$423,091.48 American is the current going worth
This is the original Yugi starter deck Dark Magician, and despite the age, that card really isn't worth much at all.
about £500
Keep it! it will be! she wont be a gymnast forever.. Personally i wouldn't sell the jacket!
i want to know what it is worth.
your is about 5 dollars mine is in the millions
A used wilsons leather motorcycle jacket can range form 25-30$ A Mint condition wilsons leather motorcycle jacket can range for 50-100$ depending on the quality of the jacket. and the type.
Maybe 5 dollars. It came in every starter deck so its not that rare.
Many of the jackets are worth close to $40 each. The price will vary depending upon the condition of the jacket.
I have a jacket of Freddie Mercury. If you interest I can send you a picture :) write me if you interest to this еmail: lleididi@mail.bg