Season tickets to the Colorado Rockies games vary in price. Season tickets for 2012 start at $640 and cost up to $3,280.
The ticket's cost range from $8-$85.
10-25 cents
It depends on what team it is. For some of the lower market teams, you could get season tickets for a few thousand dollars. For the Yankees, it will be much more expensive.
The tickets they get aren't free, but the players earn so much moolah that they are virtually free to the players.
5...why is this question even relevent?
I got tickets for a NY Mets game for $2. We were seated up very high but the atmosphere was still great.
Tickets to what....?
56$ AT The baseball seats
How much is the fright world tickets
Box seats $1.25; Reserved seats $1.10 and General Admission Tickets were $ .90