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That is difficult to say. Hank Boney was not a famous player; in fact, he seems to have played very few games in the major leagues-- only three, during the 1927 season. If the bat is from 1929, I am curious about it, since by most accounts, he was not with the Giants that year, plus he was a pitcher and they do not tend to be known for their hitting. That said, you never know what will sell or what collectors care about. What determines the value of an item is a combination of factors, including whether it is rare, whether the player was considered important, and the condition the item is in. You may want to go on a site like eBay and see if any similar items are for sale; you can then get an idea of what your item might be worth.

It is a Baseball and it was signed by my Grandfather (only 8 in existence/one for each Grandchild) and he did pitch for the Giants in 1927 (1929 was a typo). I was not asking about a bat.

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Q: How much is an official rawlings national league baseball autographed by henry t boney ny giants 1929 worth?
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What does ROLB mean on a Rawlings Baseball?

On the Rawlings website, you can buy a "Rawlings ROLB Official League Baseball." Thus ROLB = Rawlings Official League Baseball

What year was the rawling baseball introduced to major league baseball?

Rawlings Official Major League BaseballsThe Spalding company produced National League baseballs, amd along with their American League Reach label were producing Major league baseball for about 100 years. The Rawlings company took over in 1977, and Rawlings have been making Major League baseballs ever since. During the 2000 season Rawlings introduced the newly designed official Major League baseballs that also features the MLB Silhouetted Batter logo. Changing from the Official American League, and Official National League baseballs, the Official Major League baseball replaced both balls that were used.

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1987 Rawlings Official World Series baseballA 1987 Rawlings Official World Series baseball is worth about $30.00 - $40.00 in Near Mint condition with the box. ($25.00-$30.00 without box) Rawlings started to make World Series baseballs in 1978 that featured the World Series logo. Before 1978 official league baseballs were used in the world series. When the World Series was played in the American League ballpark, an official American League baseball was used, National League ballpark, National League baseball. The baseballs were not specially marked for the World Series.

What country was the official rawlings baseball made in in 1972?

United States.

What is the official diameter of a baseball?

According to baseball manufacturer The Rawlings Company, the diameter of a baseball is between 2.86 inches and 2.94 inches.

When did Major League Baseball start using one baseball for both leagues?

Rawlings introduced the newly designed official Major League baseballs for the 2000 season that also features the MLB Silhouetted Batter logo. Changing from the Official American League, and Official National League baseballs, the Official Major League baseball replaced both balls that were used.Spalding along with the Reach label was producing Major league baseball for about 100 years until Rawlingstook over around 1970, and Rawlings have been making major league baseballs ever since.

Is an autographed Spalding baseball worth more than a Rawlings Baseball?

The most preferred baseball to have a player sign that will lead to a higher value, would be an Official Major League baseball from the League the player played in, that was used during the ballplayer's playing days.Spalding along with the Reach label was producing Major league baseball for about 100 years until Rawlings took over around 1970, and the Rawlings company have been making major league baseballs ever since.For example: Willie Mays played from 1951-1973. If you were planning to acquire a Willie Mays signature you would try to find a 1951-1969 Warren Giles Official National League Baseball, made by Spalding. If The signature was acquired on a modern day Major League baseball made by Rawlings then it will have a lower value, but the bulk of the value will still rely on the signature. A signature of a modern day ballplayer would be most preferred on a Rawlings baseball.The same would be for team signed baseballs. A team signed baseball will have a higher value if signed on an Official Major League baseball from that era, and league. For more information on Major League baseballs see Related Links below.

How much is a 1995 rawlings autographed baseball worth?

The value of your 1995 Rawlings autographed baseball will depend on who signed the baseball. A value can not be determined without the names. Value may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. If the signatures are not properly authenticated the baseball could sell at half the market value or less. Prices of team signed baseballs will vary based on the amount of signatures, and key signatures acquired. The more complete the baseball with key signatures the more valuable.

Official baseball maker?

Official Major League Baseballs Spalding along with the Reach label was producing Major league baseball for about 100 years until Rawlings took over around 1970, and Rawlings have been making major league baseballs ever since.

What brand of baseball is used in MLB?

They use a special MLB Rawlings ball.

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A Brooks Robinson autographed baseball is worth $83 if it is on a Rawlings Official Major League baseball and it has been properly authenticated by a reputable authenticator. Inscriptions add to the value (anywhere from 15% to 35%) of a ball and Hall of Fame (HOF) is one of the most valuable inscriptions. For Brooks Robinson, having 'HOF '83' inscribed on the ball adds about $23 to the value. So the total value of a Brooks Robinson autographed baseball inscribed with HOF '83 is just over $100.

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