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The stick would have an approx. value of $125.00 - $150.00 if it not game used. However, if it was game used by Potvin or Bossy for instance, it would have a value of $250.00 - $500.00. If you are interested in vintage hockey memorabilia, please visit my web site at: It features old hockey team photos, hockey Autographs and game used hockey memorabilia.

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Q: How much is a signed hockey stick by the french connection worth?
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How much is signed hockey stick worth by the french connection?

800 000 DOLLARS

What is the value of a hockey stick signed by the Buffalo Sabres French Connection?

A rough estimate would be somewhere in the $125-$200 range depending on the model of stick and the quality of the signatures.

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A rough estimate would be somewhere in the $125-$200 range depending on the model of stick and the quality of the signatures.

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How much is a hockey stick signed by the 2005 Cornell University hockey team worth?

$0, because the stick was worth more before it was signed BECAUSE you cant prove the team signed it.

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$ 1000

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What exactly is a "unique" hockey stick? Who signed it? There are so many variables that it is impossible to give a value based on the vague information you have provided.

What is the french word for hockey stick?

It's said " cross de Hockey ".

What is a Vancouver canucks team signed hockey stick worth?

it could be in the thousands

What is the value of a ice hockey stick used by a pro?

it depends on how long you have had it and if they have signed it or not.

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