Depends on who paints the painting how good the painting is worth and many other factors. The face that it is a painting of OJ Simpson playing football affects the price very little in the artistic world.
O.J. Simpson See-Action Football by Kenner 1974 Give a Show Technology O.J. Simpson endorsed is worth $300.00 - $500.00 in Near Mint to Mint condition. This is a hard to find Game! (Scarce)From Frontiertreasures a game collector.
yes it is
It's worth currently 0.99$ It's rising value by .10 each yeah
Justin Miller is reported to be worth $5 million. He has been playing professional football with the Lions for 5 years.
Valerie Simpson's net worth is around $3 million US.
because she had a tumer singing im a tumer im tumer im a tumer
is a painting by cavalla worth anything
Ashlee Simpson's net worth is $7 million.
I have in my posetion a painting by keynaldo itis a painting of a spanish soldier can someone please tell me what its worth
Ashlee Simpson is worth 23-25 Million according to this website tells you how much celebrities are worth and how much they make per year.
This painting is worth $15-$30.