

Best Answer
Value of Error CardsBlank back cards are made in error during the printing process of the card. Because they are made randomly these cards are not cataloged for value. They are more of a novelty. Blank Back cards in general will sell for about $5.-$10. for star players with more valuable cards in high demand selling for more. Common cards will have little value, as a Rookie card of a star player will have higher value.

There are different variations of errors on Baseball cards. Some more desirable than others. Errors such as mistakes made on information on the card will only be worth more money if the mistake was corrected, and the card that was printed in the fewest quantity is worth the most. Not necessary the card with the error.

Other errors are made during the printing process. "Flopped" negative image, Wrong back, Blank back, printed half off center combined with another player to name a few examples. There are a descent amount of collectors that collect these type of errors but not enough to skyrocket the price. In most cases the Blank back error will sell for less than the full value of the correctly printed card.

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