A Gil Hodges single signed Baseball is worth between $1,700.-$2,000.
Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions. In a recent auction a Gil Hodges single signed baseball sold for $2,031.50
A Gil Hodges signed 8 x 10 photo is worth about $500.- $1,000. Price will vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature.
Photo composition, appeal, and how well the photo displays the signature will effect the value. The type of ink used, and how it stands out in contrast to the photograph will also effect the price. Sharpie would be most preferred for a photo. Larger and more desired pictures could sell for more. Signatures that have not been authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.
If they are authenticated by PSA or JSA, they are around $150- $200 for cut autograph.
It depends on whether it is a cut signature or on a check or photograph. A cut, or simple paper autograph, can start at $500. A signed check begins at $750. Be aware that his brother Loren often signed for the Wright Brothers. A signed photo starts at $1000 and up. Wilbur's is far more valuable because he died in 1912, just 9 years after their historic flight. His can be $5000.
its worth 2 beats
Autograph Book - Cut Signature ValueA signature in an autograph book would be valued as a "cut signature" and each signature in the book would be valued on it's own merit. Condition of both the paper and signature is important as well as the type of authenticity that accompanies each signature. Signatures that are not properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.A Cut Signature is a signature on a small piece of paper, or "cut" from a larger piece. Cut Signatures are often cut from an item that has been ruined to save its value such as a cover of a publication, photograph, letter or notebook on which it was originally signed. Cuts are commonly used for inserts by baseball card companies and sell for about 10-20% the price of a signed baseball. Percentage will vary based on the popularity of the player, and the rarity of the signature.The value for the cut signatures of the players you listed are probably worth about $5.-$15. each.(or less)
I beleave future is worth at lease 200,000,000. because he is so cut.
one cent.
I beleave future is worth at lease 200,000,000. because he is so cut.
Vic Wertz died fairly young, and his autograph is fairly tough to get on any item. His autograph is generally arround $150 -$250 depending on the item. A singed baseball card $250, for a cut about $200
Probally about 300
A Red Schoendienst single signed baseball is worth between $60.-$80. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions.
un cut money is worth nothing unless you cant cut it as perfect and even as un cut money 2.61 by 6.14 inches.
Ernie Banks 1966 autograph bookAn Ernie Banks cut signature is worth about $20 -$30. I don't know who signed the signatures of the "others" that appear in the autograph book, and can't give you an accurate value. The autograph book as a whole might have a lower value as each signature sold separately as cut signatures.A Cut Signature, or "Cuts" is a signature on a small piece of paper, or "cut" from a larger piece. The lowest Item in value for a signature. Index cards are the next step up in value, and both sell at a fraction of the higher priced Photos, Baseballs, Bats, and equipment. Cut Signatures are often cut from an item that has been ruined to save its value such as a baseball card, cover of a publication, photograph, letter, or notebook on which it was originally signed. Cuts are commonly used for inserts by baseball card companies. Some collectors use cut signatures to display and frame with a photo of the player.A cut signature sells at a fraction (about 10%-20%) the price of an autographed baseball. The percentage of the price could vary based on the popularity of the player, and how sought after the signature is. By finding the value of a signed baseball you could come up with an estimated value of your cut signatures, if you cannot find cut signatures that have sold at auction.