A Tommy John single signed Baseball is worth about $25.-$35.
Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions. Collectors will pay more for inscriptions such as "HOF" and pay less for personalized inscriptions like "Good Luck Chuck" In a recent auction (Dec. 2008) a Tommy John single signed baseball sold at a high of $35.00. For more prices on single signed baseball see Related Links below.
I would say it would have to depend on what the auto is on.
When it comes to this kind of stuff its only worth what someones willing to pay.
The auto of Tommy john is most likely to be worth no more than $10.
You can most likely just send one of his cards to his house, get it autographed (this kind of stuff is known as ttm, through the mail autos), then he would send it back signed.
in fact i just found his address
Charlotte, NC 28277
Many of the baseballs are valued in price close to $400 each. The amount will vary depending upon the condition they are in and how they are being displayed.
A painting or pitcher painting of John Wayne signed by artists 1.000.00 and up
Tommy John is 6 feet 3 inches tall. He weighs 180 pounds. He bats right and throws left.
In 1985, Tommy John played in 12 games for the California Angels, batting in 0 of them. He had at bats. In 1985, Tommy John played in 11 games for the Oakland Athletics, batting in 0 of them. He had at bats.
Tommy John pitched 26 seasons.
In 1982, Tommy John played in 30 games for the New York Highlanders, batting in 0 of them. He had at bats. In 1982, Tommy John played in 7 games for the California Angels, batting in 0 of them. He had at bats.
It is worth whatever a collector will pay. Take it to a museum and get it appraised.
Tommy Johns was born September 7, 1851, in Baltimore, MD, USA.
Tommy John was born on May 22, 1943.
25 dollars
Depends on what year, if it's signed or not, and what condition it's in.