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Yes I had one and sold it for $130 which is pretty good

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Impossible to answer. A serial number is NOT unique to only one gun in the world- if it were so, serial numbers will be numbered into the trillions.

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The Model 67 was not numbered. For what it's worth, I've got a Model 67, too, and I can't find a serial number on it. Sounds like the above ("The Model 67 was not numbered.") is correct.

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What is the age of a 30 WCF Winchester Model 55 serial 1079114?

with the serial number that you supplied,your Winchester model 55 was made in the year 1930.Winchester model 55 rifles had there own serial numbers,and also were serial numbered in the model 1894 rifles serial numbers.Yours is the later which was serial numbered in the model 1894 serial number range.Yours was one of only 1,535 model 55 rifles made in 1930.

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Well there are several reasons. Some are numbered for how long they are in length. Others are numbered such as 1 through 4 so that if one falls out of the blanket you will know and can look for it. Some are numbered as a product or serial code number.

Did the Winchester Model 55 in 30-30 Lever Action ever have a 7 digit serial number?

Yes they did. The late production Model 55s were serial numbered in the Model 94 serial range starting in March of 1928, at circa serial number 1019700.

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It looks to be manufactured in 1973 from the first two digits of the serial number cited. Their .22 caliber bolt action & semi-autos were not serial numbered prior to 1969.