$500 and up.
The price of Memorabilia for any Sports figure is dependent on time, what the market will bring and how much the buyer is willing to pay, there is no definitive answer because of the fluctuation in the market.
An authentic Dale Earnhardt Sr. autograph is worth about one thousand dollars. The value varies according to current demand from fans and collectors.
A Dale Earnhardt Jr. rookie card is worth an estimated 39.00 dollars. A Dale Earnhardt rookie card is worth 250.00 dollars.
How much is a Dale Earnhardt 1993 action packed card
1990 racing poster of dale earnhardt sr autographed
You would have to know when it was signed and have it validated by a photo of him signing it, otherwise it would cost you money from a autograph expert to have it authenticated. A Dale Earnhardt Sr. autograph by itself is worth between $25 - $50. It really varies how much an item is worth that has his autograph on it, due to the value of the particular item. A trading card is exponentially worth what Dale Earnhardt's autograph is worth, multiplied by the percentage ratio of how many autographed cards were inserted into that year/brand of cards. Most inserted Dale Earnhardt cards are worth between $250 - $500. However, because Dale Sr. only signed 25 autograph cards that were randomly inserted into the 2001 Press pass packs before he died, that card is worth between $850 and $1,100. The 2000 Maximum Dale Earnhardt Jr and Sr Dual Autograph card is worth between $1,200 - $1,500.
I believe it is worth 150,000.
The Dale Earnhardt 1998 Daytona 6468 of 15000 hat is worth 5.99 US dollars.
how much is an oreo ritz baseball cap autographed by dale Earnhardt jr worth
Went to Dale Earnhardt Sr dealership for 10 year open house he autographed the shirt for me