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What do you mean Babe Ruth Ashtray? Any links to a photo? I own an ashtray/Striker lighter that has been argued that it could be the Babe or Honus. Copyright is 1913 but the item supposedly started selling around 1920. Looks like the babe but I don't know. Made by Louis V. Aronson.... aka The Art Metal works Co....Then RONSON Corp. How about a little more info on the Astray you seek the price of. Regards

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16y ago

A 1987 Babe Ruth Chicago Proccessing Enviromint Coin 15,000 made is worth about $30. - $50. Chicago Proccessing Enviromint produced Coins between 1985 through 1998. The company named the coins enviromint because they were made from recycled silver.

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