He hands a lot of these out autographed, they are prob not worth a lot of money since the card is printed and laminated.
Forbes has estimated Deion Sanders net worth near $208,000,000.
Forbes has estimated Deion Sanders net worth near $208,000,000.
$29.99 according to MSN Shopping. (See below) http://shopping.msn.com/prices/atlanta-falcons-deion-sanders-1989-rookie-card/itemid867578522/?itemtext=itemname:atlanta-falcons-deion-sanders-1989-rookie-card
A 1991 Ricky Sanders card is worth 1.00. A 1999 Stadium Club Ricky Sanders card is worth .99. These are for cards in very good condition.
how much is barry sanders heisman card
The address of the Sanders Theatre is: 1300 Gendy St, Fort Worth, TX 76107
OVER 9000!
i have photos of my family with colonel sanders at the opening of the 15th chain store in richmond indiana. Are these worth money or just valued memories? /
The Barry Sanders rookie card is easily worth about 25 dollars at the least. At the most its most likely worth 42 dollars.
Almost 6 million
As of June 2014, Deion Sanders estimated net worth is $40,000 millions dollars. Deion was in the NFL and the MLB.