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Signatures will vary in price based on condition, the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature, the item signed, and how well the item displays the signature. An autograph signed with a pencil will have a lower value than an autograph of the same grade, signed with a fountain pen which was commonly used in Ruth's day. The value will still be determined by how well the pencil signature stands out in contrast to the item signed, or the boldness of the signature. A sharp, clean, and bold pencil signature that displays well could have a higher value than a faded ink signature. Pencil signatures were more common in Ruth's era as well. Not the big business it is today autograph seekers would use what ever was available at the moment. Babe Ruth cut Signatures sell for about $2,000.-$3,000. Cut Signatures are often cut from an item that has been ruined to save its value from such items as a cover of a publication, photograph, letter or notebook on which it was originally signed. Cuts are commonly used by collectors to display with a framed photo, or for inserts by Baseball card companies. A Babe Ruth single signed baseballin general is worth about $6,000.-$10,000.

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