A Goose Gossage single signed Baseball is worth about $50.-$75.
Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions. Condition is important. The value of the signature would not be effected by having the box that came with the baseball, what he was doing before he signed it or where he was when he signed it. In a recent auction (June 2008) a Goose Gossage single signed baseball sold at a high of $95.60. For more prices on single signed baseball see Related Links below.
Show up and be perfect as if this were the original date.
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Book value for a mint condition Nokona endorsed by Face is $300. With the original box you can add about 20% to that value.If you need other information on old gloves, you can visit the links below including the Vintage baseball Glove forum
It all depends on the condition if its all original or if it reproduction. A original in firing condition is about $50,000 but they go way up if all the part numbers are matching and the condition is near perfect.
Generally, no, unless that condition (a time limit) was made a part of the original grant of mineral rights.Generally, no, unless that condition (a time limit) was made a part of the original grant of mineral rights.Generally, no, unless that condition (a time limit) was made a part of the original grant of mineral rights.Generally, no, unless that condition (a time limit) was made a part of the original grant of mineral rights.
document original condition
To restore something to it's original condition.
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Depends on original condition, condition, and condition, from $100 to $1,500 if you have it like new in the original box. Unless it's 90%+ condition however it won't pass $600 or so.
Condition,condition,condition.It all depends on your rifles overall original condition remaining.A Remington model 14 rifle with between 60%-75%of its original condition will bring between 250-375 dollars.It could bring up to 750 dollars if it has 90% or better of its original finish remaining.
Depends greatly on which model and more importantly ORIGINAL condition, condition, and condition.