Well I love Baseball cards but I am young so the old ones like Babe Ruth were not around so I checked eBay and got 3 shoe boxes full of old and new cards for 34.95 but you can get new sets in a unopened box for about 20 bucks so the price will get higher for older cards and the price will lower if the cards are like Jeter or somebody who still plays.
Oh, dude, let me grab my calculator... just kidding, who needs that? So, if 9 cards cost 25p, that means each card costs about 2.78p (25 divided by 9). Now, if you want 36 cards, just multiply 2.78p by 36 and you get around 100p. So, 36 cards would cost approximately 1 pound. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!
There were basically no baseball cards produced between 1941 and 1948 because of paper rationing due to WWII. Any cards that WERE produces were just premiums for another product, and basically added nothing to the cost of that product.
probaly 1 dollar
.05 cents a packA pack of baseball cards cost .05 cents in 1952, and you got a stick of gum!
it depends on what cards u have
It depends on what kind of cards they are.
WikiAnswers is a question and answer site. We do not sell baseball cards. Try google.com or dogpile.com to find a website that sells cards.
$2.20 on some websites and no shipping cost
It depends where you buy it from.