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Q: How much does Barry Zito get paid on the Giants?
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Who got paid 22 million by the San Francisco Giants in 2005?

Barry Bonds

Who were the NY Giants founded by?

Tim Mara. He paid a franchise fee of $500 to the NFL in 1925 to start the Giants.

Who are the highest paid New York Giants players?

Click on the '2006 New York Giants Salaries' link on this page to see the 2006 salaries of the players on the Giants.

Which is more expensive cowboys stadium or giants stadium?

the giants they paid 1.6 billon dollars and the cowboys padi 1.3 billion dollars

In what year did the New York Giants become a franchise?

The Giants were founded in 1925 by Tim Mara who paid a $500 franchise fee to the NFL to start an expansion team.

Who was the highest paid baseball player on the San Francisco Giants in 1963?

Willie Mays at $105,000.

How do you use paid in a sentence?

How much do you get paid? I paid too much for my shoes.

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The average athlete gets paid around 400 thousand dollars for one year. they sign a contract for 1 to 5 years. Great athletes get paid from 1 to 9 million dollars and derek clark sucks his peni*

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she would get paid as much as her abilty she would get paid as much as her abilty

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How much do pro bowl coaches get paid?

they get paid as much as the players win the game.