Should be much more than the cards. One final negative made (one negative per color) Numerous cards made. This should make the negative more rare. More rare means more value.
A Mickey Mantle signed plaque is worth $250 - $400 depending on the size.
Not much, maybe $2 at most.
Card # 311
To me, it's about $300-$400 for Mickey Mantle cause he's not so super-star famous and $600-$850 for Whitey Ford as he's more famous than Mickey Mantle
It doesn't exist. Mantle was 12 years old in 1943.
a LOT of money. use it wisely :)
5 dollars at the max
2007 Topps Mickey Mantle Autograph cardMickey mantle passed away on August 13, 1995. The 2007 Topps card you have might feature a facsimile signature as Mickey Mantle could not have signed it. If the card was a autographed insert by Topps which a cut signature would have been used then value will rely on the number of inserts that were made that year. For a value for either the 2007 Topps Mickey Mantle card or insert, the card number would be needed to identify the exact card you have. In general a signed Mickey Mantle Baseball card is worth about $150.-$300. if properly authenticated.
Mikey SignatureThis would be difficult to put a value on as there are no auctions or a history of sales to base it on. I don't think there would be a large demand for it and it might be more of a novelty to a Mantle collector. If the "Mickey" Signature was properly authenticated as being signed by Mickey Mantle I would think it might fetch about half the value of a full signature or more if there is interest. A full Mickey Mantle signature on a baseball is worth about $600.-$800. If it were signed just "The Mick" it might have a higher value.