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Q: How many signatures have to be signed in the petition in order to have a second season of Monochrome factor?
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Is there another season of monochrome factor?

There is not a second season of monochrome factor at the moment, but I'm hoping that they will make a new one, and soon :D

Is there going to be a monochrome factor 2?

yo moms gonna be monochrome factor 2

Is there a season 2 of monochrome factor?

As of my last update, there has been no official announcement regarding a second season of the anime "Monochrome Factor." The decision to produce additional seasons of a show depends on various factors such as popularity, demand, and financial considerations. Fans of the series may need to stay tuned for any future updates from the production company or official sources.

What is the theme song to season 1 black butler?

the 1st was "monochrome no kiss" by SID

What is the song that plays in the previews for the episodes of Black Butler?

For season 1 the opening is : Monochrome no kiss by Sid For season 2 the opening is : Shiver by The Gazette For season 3 the opening is : Enamel by Sid

What is the beginning song to season 1 black butler?

The opening theme to Black Butler Season 1 is 'Monochrome No Kiss' by Sid.

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There is not yet a second season of Suzuka but hopefully they will make one. If you want a second season of Suzuka sign this petition

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I am uncertain if there will be a Meerkat Manor season 5.But, I do know that there is a website that has people signing a petition that is for bringing back Meerkat Manor! The website is...www.thepetition.com19bring-back-meerkat-manorThe goal for the petition is to have 5,000 signitures. You can sign the petition, and you can also add a coment to intensify the importance of the petition. If the website reaches its goal, there may be another Meerkat Manor season!

Will my life as Liz have a second season?

There is going to be a second season if they get petition for 10,000 people to sign then they could have another season

How can you save srmthfg?

Sign a petition. There needs to be a season 5!

What is the season of the x-factor in 2012?

The UK X Factor is on season 9 in 2012. The US X Factor is on season 2 in 2012.

Is Shugo Chara season 4 going to be better?

there is no season 4 you can help get a fourth one by signing this petition in related links. Just scroll down and you'll see the 'sign petition' button, pass it on!