There are 9 positions, you can get away with 8 players at a minimum in little league.
4 members in a team pursuit.
There are 18 members on the Olympic winter 2010 team
A field hockey team consists of 11 members
A field hockey team consists of 11 members
The name of the American International College baseball team is the yellow jackets. They are at the top of their league and they have 172 members on their team.
6 at least--otherwise, as many as wanted
The Glentoran Football Club is a storied semi-professional Irish football team many members of which have continued on to play at the professional level. It currently fields 27 main members and 6 members in its back-up team.
It depends on what kind of a team it is.
There is one or two, it depends.
9 members on a baseball team.
There were 7