It is worth next to nothing. Pro Set is a brand of card you have to pay collectors to take off of your hands.
what is the price on desert storm pro set
It would take you 2-3 years to set it up and to take it down 2-3 years aswell and that's a long time
It depends. If you are working alone, expect it to take a few hours to do. If you have people helping you, it will not take as long.
2 hours
About 50 cents and I am not kidding. Pro set is pretty much garbage.
You will have to pay someone to take that off your hands
Probally a year or two
8 hrs
200 hours
There are no set chances but its up to you if you train to go pro or not.
The pro temp is elected by the Senate at the beginning of each Congress. By traditional he serves until his party loses the majority or he leaves the senate. There is no set term for this position.