it depends on the picther i personally am 12 and picth high 60s low 70s because i train and work hard but for different pichters there will be different speeds for example a small kid on my team pitches low 50s high 40s while me a taller skinner kid can picth high 60s low 70s
The Guinness Book of World Records lists Nolan Ryan as the fastest pitcher. His pitch was clocked at 100.9 miles per hour in a game against the Chicago White Sox (August 20, 1974). The average speed of professional Baseball pitchers depends on the pitch they throw. 90 mph - average major league fastball 68-75 mph - average major league curve ball
Brandon Webb pitches about 100 to 102.1 go to and you will find more info!!!1
about 90 mph that's pretty fast
In baseball pitches are generally in the high eighties to low nineties range in mph. In softball pitches are in the upper 60s mph
The speed of pitches in a batting cage are generally slow to moderate. This is because the batting cage is designed to for practice and if the pitches were very fast the batter would not be hitting the ball very often but rather swinging and missing.
screwball,curveball,and knuckleball.
jordan walden pitches 101 mph
Rugby pitches go up to 100m in length, so it would be the length of two rugby pitches.
Danielle Lawrie pitches a fastball from 69-71 mph
He threw a considerably fast fastball, a useful curveball and, I think a change up. He might have thrown other pitches but those are the only two (or Three) I know.
It depends on what sort of ball it is, as in where it pitches, and what the match status is.
how fast does a pagini zonda go how fast does a pagini zonda go
As fast as you wont it to go