Need to know what the maximum output in amps or mA the battery charger can produce.
Try taking out the battery and looking under it on the computer.
charge the battery and then step inside the machine
If your cell phone will not charge it could be the battery or the battery charger. You best way to find out is to try the battery charger on a similar phone and see if it charges the other one.
To charge your battery you have to go to sleep, but I think to find it you should go to Dr. F.
They are supposed to be rechargeable, so if you can find the right cord just plug it in. If the battery is faulty for some reason and won't charge, get in charge with the company and they will change the battery for you
To charge a rc battery,first find out the battery capacity,Then the out put of the charger. Divide those together and times by 1.5 to get the hours and minutes to charge the battery. Note .15 is 10 minutes.
Some car battery charges will not charge a completely dead battery. You need to find a type of battery charger that is designed to charge a completely dead battery. You can get around this by hooking a car with a working battery up to the dead battery with jumper cables. The alternator/charging system of the car with the good battery will charge the dead battery. Leave them connected for about 30 min, then disconnect and try to use the battery charger again. If it still won't charge, hook it up to the car with the good battery for a longer period of time.
I doubt you'd find one ! NiMH batteries charge to 7.2 volts NOT 9 volts ! Trying to charge one to 10 volts is overcharging by almost 50% ! This will certainly shorten the life of the battery and COULD result in overheating and/or explosion !
Find the battery first, look for the plus side it is the positive pole on the battery, You put the red or positive clamp from your charger on there. Then you put the negative which will be on the other side of the battery. Then you set your charger on 2 amp trickle charge, plug it in and let it charge.
If the 1100 battery fits in the gun then it will work. What you will find though is that the battery will not last as long as the 1150 between charges.
The GP NiMH battery is a nickel battery that can be used in cordless phones. Often you can find these in rechargeable form so you don't have to charge them.
Presuming you've got and automatic gearbox: To be able to engage neutral there needs to be power from the battery. So either jump start the car or charge the battery, but you need to find out why the battery died in the first place. If you left lights on something like that then charge the battery by taking it for a long drive. If the battery goes flat again after that then there may be a problem with your alternator or the battery won't hold a charge, get the battery tested and go from there