you leave it out in the sun to dry. make sure it's not to hummid cuse it won't dry out.
it can.
A dry baseball would fly faster because it is not as heavy as a water-logged baseball.
Cormorants and Anhingas do not have the natural oils like ducks do that repel water. Therefore, they can get waterlogged so they spread their wings to dry them afer swimming.
yes, wood eventually becomes waterlogged and sinks, plastic does not become waterlogged.
It deppends, if it will not turn on buy a new battery, but if the sim card is waterlogged. GAME OVER.
a Paddy
south gujarat
Kidney beans should be watered regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water deeply once a week, or more frequently during hot, dry weather. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out slightly between waterings.
Waterlogged soils are soils that are saturated with water, limiting the amount of oxygen available to plant roots. This can lead to poor plant growth and even suffocation of roots. It is important to improve drainage in waterlogged soils to ensure healthy plant growth.
Potatoes can start to become waterlogged if soaked in water for more than 2 hours.