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the animal? their crap, also called guano is used in tons of fuels, fertilizers and cure all's. that's right....bat feces.

Rocky's answer: Bats are useful for many reasons. One, is that they eat the leftover fruit that farmers don't pick, or don't notice. If there weren't bats around then fruit flies would damage the crops by building nests. They even wait until the fruit is completely ripened, so you don't have to worry about bats eating your berries and such. Another reason is that they pollinate. Bats will drink nectar in the night. The pollen gets stuck to their faces, and as the bats fly to the next flower, the pollen falls from their faces, sticking to trees, plants, and other vegetation. One more reason that bats are useful is that they help control the insect population. Hope this helps, and also I am 10. Lawz, people say that i'm a great writer, so just if you want to know who wrote this, and how old. Bye.

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Q: How are the bats useful?
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Are bats useful mammals?

yes bats are useful they eat insects and only during night

How are bats ears useful?

They can hear good.

Why is fat a useful storage substance for bats?

Fat is a useful storage substance for bats. This is because fat has over two times the energy content per mass unit versus proteins and carbohydrates.

Is the sentence Bats are useful animals A fact or opinion?

The sentence "Bats are useful animals" is a fact because it can be supported with evidence that shows how bats contribute to ecosystems by controlling insect populations and pollinating plants.

Why are bats important to the world?

Bats serve as pollinators of many plants that produce fruit. Bats also provide useful things to make medican help with reaserch that are usually for blind people.

Is echolocation useful?

Echolocation is useful because it helps bats, shrews, dolphins/whales etc. It has evolved to allow the animals to "see" around them in the night (bats) or in murky water (dolphins/whales) otherwise these animals would have died

Are bats in house bad luck?

no bats are very useful animals they are harmless unless they carry rabies but bats are not big enought to carry rabies so they die when the get rabies. the wort thing they could carry would be fleas but that is also rare

Why are bats useful to people?

Bats help us by eating 100 bugs per hour or more , by eating more than 1000 bugs in 1 night and by pollinating flowers and other things etc.

What is good about bats ears?

What is good about bat ears is the they can pick up high frequency waves and they are useful for echolocation.

What bat is better Composite or connection baseball bats?

well first of all its composite and two piece, and it depends on what type of hitter you are and what type of swing you have. All bats are different for everyone. Many composite bats are two pieces, just like the connection. Take a look at for some very useful information.

What is the comparative and superlative forms of useful?

more useful, the most useful

What is the Superlative and comparative to the word useful?

Most useful and more useful.