The 2007 Washington Dollar is worth exactly one dollar. You can pick a nice one from a bank roll of mixed dollars.
George Washington is on the 25-cent coin, not the 1-cent coin.
$1. It's made of brass, not gold, and the year (2007) is on the edge.
It was made in 2007 (the date is on the edge), and is brass, not gold. In circulated condition its value is 1 dollar, uncirculated perhaps $3 or so.
The coin you have is probably from the Presidents series of dollar coins. They are composed of bronze and not gold and are worth $1 to $2 depending upon the condition of the coin.
The value of George Washington dollars as a collectible depends on factors such as rarity, condition, and demand. As of 2021, most George Washington dollars are not considered rare and are worth face value of $1. However, certain rare or error varieties could have a higher value among collectors. It is advisable to consult with a professional coin dealer or reference guide for a more accurate valuation.
It's a coin rather than a mint. A mint is the factory where coins are made. In any case it's an ordinary circulation coin made in 2007 and is worth face value only, $1.
1789-1797 are the years Washington was President. The coin was minted in 2007 and is worth one dollar.
$1. It's brass, not gold, and is an ordinary circulation strike coin.
value is what someone is willing to pay.
In circulated condition, $1. It's made of brass and is part of the Presidential Dollar series. Uncirculated ones sell for about $3.
$1, £0.62, €0.76.
If it's part of the Presidential Dollar series, it's only worth face value in circulated condition. Uncirculated, it might sell for $3.