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It certainly ought to - consider that a standard pair of legs might contain, what, a full OUNCE of hair? That can really hold you back...why, just the other day, I saw a guy who shaved his legs and he damn near floated off the planet, he had so lightened up. Sorry, but no, shaving legs will not help you jump higher.

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Q: Does Shaving What if your Legs Help You Jump Higher?
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Legs=so they can jump Wings=So they can extra jump higher from predators.

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I stopped shaving my legs already.

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No, there is no scene of her shaving her legs.

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of course your legs don't get black and hard after shaving.

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The back legs help the grasshopper jump and the front legs help them stand even

Does shaving your legs help oxygen get to your muscles?

Nope my friend. I don't know who said that but that is ridiculous!

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Grasshoppers have large legs so that they can jump higher and easier.

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because of the hing long legs

What is the purpose of a cat's legs?

Cats' legs help them to move, hunt, jump, pounce, and survive.

How does a grasshoppers legs help it survive?

A single leap of those highly evolved legs can remove them from danger.