No, Mike Schmidt is still alive.
Mike Schmidt was born on September 27, 1949.
Mike Schmidt was born on September 27, 1949.
Mike Schmidt was born on September 27, 1949.
Mike Schmidt's number was #20. He was one of the best Baseball players of all time.
Hall of Famer Mike Schmidt ended his career with a lifetime .267 batting average.
Mike Schmidt was born September 27, 1949, in Dayton, OH, USA.
Mike Schmidt played his entire 18 year career with the Philadelphia Phillies from 1972 - 1989.
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Mike Schmidt ended his career with a total of 548 regular season home runs.
A 1977 Mike Schmidt Signature Pro Model is an ash bat that is 36 inches and 33.2 ounces. This is also consistant with the style/size of bats used in the pre-steroids era of baseball by a slugger like Mike Schmidt.