Brought. Brought is the past participle of bring. Brings is the third person singular form of bring.
Yes, that is correct. The principal parts of the verb "to bring" are bring (present), brought (past), brought (past participle).
Bring not brought. Did she bring the book? -- past simple question Does she bring her lunch? -- present simple question.
The detectives brought evidence collection kits, forensic tools, and surveillance equipment to use for their investigation. They also likely brought cameras, fingerprint kits, and evidence bags to secure findings.
The past simple of "bring" is "brought."
The future tense of "brought" is "will bring."
Bringed isn't a grammatical word. The past tense of bring is brought.
The present form of "bring" is "bring," the past form is "brought," and the future form is "will bring."
The past participle of "bring" is "brought."
The past perfect of bring is had brought.