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Dish;Give;Free Don't count on that;final NO;

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Q: Can you watch Dish channel football on your computer for free?
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What channel is Hungry Girl on Dish?

You can watch "Hungry Girl" on the Cooking Channel & that is found on channel 113.

What channel can you watch cartoonnetwork on dish network?

176 and 177 (west).

If you have Dish Network and want to watch wrestling what numbered channel is ECW Wrestling on?

122 on the scifi channel

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What channel is the show the voice on dish is on?

ok well i have dish network and it is on channel 2 on kp sumthin i watch it every nite FROM 7-9 HOPE THIS HELPED

Is there a channel the three stugies on dish?

Yes, you can watch The Three Stooges on AMC which can be found on either channel 130 or 890.

What channel is fox football on dish network?

406 for Fox Soccer. 407 for Fox Soccer plus.

What channel on Dish Network will carry Super Bowl 48?

Super Bowl 48 was played on February 2, 2014, and was broadcast on Fox. If you have Dish Network, you can watch the Super Bowl on the Fox channel. The Fox channel is typically included in most Dish Network programming packages, but you may need to check your specific package to confirm that you have access to the channel. If you don't have the Fox channel, you can contact Dish Network to upgrade your package or to find out how you can watch the Super Bowl.

What channel is happy tree friends on if you have Dish Network?

It's not a television show anymore, therefore you can't watch it on Dish Network.

Can you watch damages on dish channel fx when what time?

Damages was originally on FX. Damages can be found on Audience Network, and is not carried by DISH at this time.

What channel is 2009 WWE superstars show on?

on dish network its on 105 i watch all the time

How can you watch the show ANT farm?

Obtaining cable...... Dish, Direct, Uverse, it's on the Disney channel