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The chemical energy of ATP is stored in its phosphate bonds. When these bonds are broken through hydrolysis, energy is released for cellular processes.

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Q: What is the chemical energy of ATP is stored in its?
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What energy does cellular respiration convert?

It form chemical energy i.e. ATP (Adenosine Tri-phosphate)

What type of energy is ADP and ATP?

ATP is a chemical, not a form of energy. However, the energy stored in and used from it is chemical energy.

What is the stored energy in a mitochondria called?

Energy is stored as chemical energy. This energy is stored in the Second bond between phosphate groups in ATP.

How is energy stored in respiration?

Chemical energy is stored in form of bonds

What is the process that stores energy from sunlight into the chemical bonds of glucose?

ATP is what is stored

Where is the energy stored within chemical coumpounds such as ATP NADPH and glucose?

The energy stored in chemical compounds such as ATP, NADPH, and glucose is stored in the bonds between atoms. When these bonds are broken during chemical reactions, energy is released. This energy can then be used by cells for various metabolic processes.

What is the sequence of energy transformation during photosynthesis?

solar energy → potential energy stored in electrons and ATP → chemical energy stored in sugars

Where is most of the chemical energy in living organism stored?

The most of the chemical energy in living organisms stored in energy storage molecules. Glucose is the major storage energy in humans and this causes ATP.

Where is chemical energy stored in ATP?

Chemical energy is stored in the bonds between the phosphate groups of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). When one phosphate group is removed through hydrolysis, ATP is converted into ADP (adenosine diphosphate), releasing energy that can be used by cells for various biological processes.

What is chemical energy and How do organisms make energy available for work?

Chemical energy is the potential energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds. Organisms release this energy through processes like cellular respiration, where they break down molecules such as glucose to produce ATP, the energy currency of cells. ATP is then used to power cellular functions and work.

Why is ATP an example of chemical potential energy?

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is an example of chemical potential energy because it stores energy in its phosphate bonds. When these bonds are broken during cellular processes, such as metabolism, the stored energy is released and used by the cell to fuel various activities.

Where is energy stored in livng things?

Energy in living beings is stored as chemical energy. For long-term energy storage a sugar is used; for short-term energy storage, ATP.