Not all digital cameras are waterproof. When you shop for a digital camera, you must look for one's that say they are waterproof. A store associate can help you if you have a hard time. You can also buy a digital camera that is not waterproof and buy a waterproof case for it.
The best waterproof cameras can be found at Best Buy. They have a wide selection, decent customer service, and a good return policy in case your camera isn't 100% waterproof.
3m refers to a depth rating of 3 meters. That camera will be waterproof to a depth of 3 meters (about 10 feet).
Otterbox is famous for making waterproof cases for varieties of electronic equipment.
One can purchase an Olympus waterproof camera at stories like Best Buy, Target, Amazon, Walmart, and Costco. Also if you are looking to purchase an Olymous waterproof camera online you can look on Ebay and getolympus.
Egg Mc.Man.....In a Plastic Bag
Waterproof camera's can be purchased at a local store as for the need of waterproof camera's are at a high demand these day's. but if your local store does not have one, you can order one at best buy or amazon.
A great underwater digital camera to buy is the Nikon Coolpix Waterproof. It has great consumer reviews.
ONLY if it says "waterproof up to blah blah meters" the MiCam waterproof camera has "waterproof" written on the front of the camera.... i think. GOOD LUCK!
online on ebay,amazon you can find very varity of cameras and also the Olimpus waterproof camera, but if you looking for a shop you can try at arndale stores
There are a lot of different places where you can buy a waterproof camera. Although on line buying is a good option, sometimes just going to the stores can give you a better deal on these.
There are tons of places that you can buy a waterproof camera, i would check at walmart, kmart, or any other discount stores in your area and they should have what you are looking for