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There are 3 steps to creating a digital picture: (1)Focus light (2)Capture image (3)Generate digital file The lens in a digital camera is used to focus the light into a sharp image. Many digital cameras are "fixed focus" meaning that the lens assembly does not move when focusing between far and distant objects. Inside every digital camera is an small electronic chip smaller than your thubnail that converts the focused light energy into electrical signals. Millions of separate light sensors are arranged on the electronic chip in a rectangular "array" behind the lens. When you press the shutter button, the millions of light sensors measure the instantaneous level of light striking their small area and send this data to other circuitry in the camera. There these millions of separate values are converted to a computer file format (usually .jpg) and stored in the memory of the camera.

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โˆ™ 17y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

they are of excellent quality ... depends on the initial format

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