Get aft before the bow sinks any further!
Let's go aft!
The aft anchor will be found in the aft locker.
Please move that cargo aft, matey! The mizzen mast is aft of the main mast. ' +++ :-) "Aft", is as the above shows, an old marine term. If the object being described in completely behind the vessel though, such as a following ship, it is said to be "astern" (beyond the stern, i.e. the rear, of the ship).
Fore is to aft as front is to rear.
In nautical terms it would be 'aft'. Fore is 'towards the front of the ship, aft is towards the back.
The rear of a ship is called the stern aft To go to the rear is called going aft. The aft most part is the stern The rear of a ship or boat is called the "Aft" or the "aft end". Examples: "Take that line aft!". "When we turn, are you sure the aft end will clear that bouy?" Also nautically, "avast"The stern is the aft part of a ship or boat.
What is an aft david
After end (aft). The after end (aft) of a boat is the stern, the rear end of the boat. Ship's 'behind' if you will.
Let's discuss the matter in the forecastle. Stow your gear below the aft bunk in the forecastle.
The stern of the ship is aft, mister!
The question should be "What is aft on a sailboat?" since it is a direction, not a thing. Aft (or after) is anything toward the rear of the boat.
Stow your gear in the locker abaft the aft bulkhead, sailor. We've got bilge water in the bulkhead, sir!
Aft is the back of a boat, the front is known as the fore
Aft is the back of the boat