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Q: Why was the caravel with its triangular sails as important development?
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A ship with square and triangular sails?


What was the difference between caravels and earlier ships?

the caravel has triangular sails as well as square sails. Square sails carried the ship forward when the wind was at its back. Triangular sails allowed the caravel to sail into the wind. the caravel was better than other euoopean ships of the time at this type of sailing

Why was the caravel an improvement over ships of the past?

light caravel had triangular sails to better control the wind

In what way did the caravel improve?

light caravel had triangular sails to better control the wind

What does caravel mean in a simple definition?

a ship with triangular sails that allowed it to sail into the wind and with square sails that carried it forward when the wind was at it's back.

How did the caravel improve navigation?

The caravel was created by Prince Henry, a portuguese explorer. He needed a ship that would be able to sail near the rocky coast of Africa and connect him to the Indies for trade. ... The first improvement were its lateen sails. They were triangular sails that helped travel against wind and increased the speed of the ship.

What is A ship with square and triangular sails?

"Square-riggers" have primarily square sails, but the jib sails are triangular.

Why were carvels able to sail against the wind while other ships cannot?

Well, back then people used the traditional square sails. So when the Caravel was built they used triangular sails instead of the traditional square sails which made the ship able to sail against the wind.

What kind of ships did columbus have?

He had the caravel which has 3 sails.

Meaning of caravel?

A caravel is one of the ships Columbus sailed in that has 2-4 masts and lateen sails.

What is it called a ship with triangular sails?

Sloops, ketches, and yawls have triangular-shaped sails.